...To turn my skies to Blue! I don't need anything, but you!
It is wonderful to have friends. Noelle and Elijah have been friends ever since she was very small and he defended her against an aggressive little boy in the nursery. Elijah went right up to him in his calm manner and pushed him right over -and AWAY from Noelle! For the rest of the day, she stuck right by his side! She knew where to be safe!
Since that time, she has been a fast fan of Elijah!
When they were 18months (Noelle) and 2yrs (Elijah), the whole clan came over for a water fight! At one point, Elijah and Noelle were walking away hand in hand. Elijah was helping her up a hill in our backyard, and it suddenly became too difficult for him! So he let go and trekked up the hill without her. She struggled on her own -to no success- and yelled after him, "ELIIIJAAAAH!" I wish I had a picture, but I was being -well, a MOM- and rescued my daughter. I know, I know! I should have been mean and let her struggle, but I am TRYING to be nice! I don't want her to be TERRIBLY traumatized by her childhood! My kids need to have at least a CHANCE and being normal, considering how strange their mother is! Normal is overrated. That is MY motto!
Here are some pics with Elijah! It was SO funny to watch! Really! Better than the Zig-Zag pictures! They were together all the time! One would go, and the other would follow. The other would move along and the one would take off after them! It was hilarious to watch!
Together at laaast...
They never can sever...
To tun my skies to blue...
I don't need anything, but YOU...
Name that song!
There goes one!
There goes the other!
Wait! APART?!?!?
(I wish my blog had sound effects! Like that "VVVEEEP!" sound a needle makes as it slips across a vinyl record. Wouldn't that be great?! I think I will start a petition for Blogspot to add sound effects. Will you sign my petition?)
*For those of you who do not know what a vinyl record is, Google it!*
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