Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lion's, and Tigers, and Bears...Oh, My!...

Those of you from Nebraska who have been to the the Omaha Zoo (you know who you are!) are going to be able to sympathize with me on this one. We are going to the zoo today!...But not THAT zoo.

I have been to SO many zoos! I have been to a zoo in Canada, St.Louis, Milwaukee, and more than I can even remember at this moment! And I have been found wandering through each zoo muttering, "Henry Dorley zoo is BETTER!" or "The zoo in Omaha does it like this!" or "This simply does not compare to the zoo I went to when I was a kid." (insert snooty voice here).

Now, I don't know if it is because that is the zoo I grew up with, or because I have been homesick when visiting the other zoos, but I think it is just because...


Those of you from Nebraska can say with me "Nebraskans get things RIGHT!" So I am going to the zoo today, and I will make every effort to choke down the words, "Omaha zoo does it betterrrr...choke...gasp...k...k...k..."

But in the meantime, my camera is charged (finally), and I will do my best to get some great pictures!

Now, if I can just keep the zoo operators from thinking my kids are monkeys -and allow me to bring them home- we will be doing GOOD!

Pictures to follow!

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